Mindful Eye Practice & Photography

Braving the storm – when anxiety comes

For the last day of the Mental Health Awareness Week I prepared an anxiety SOS meditation for when you feel that anxious thoughts and strong emotions are about to completely overtake your life. I hope this session helps you pause and find some peace in the storm.

I developed this method based on my own experience with anxiety. Grounding myself by physically reminding myself of my connection with the earth and belonging to it was a source of immense relief. I combined it with a powerful breathing exercise. Towards the end of the session there is a sound surprise that I hope you will enjoy 🙂

Many people struggle with anxiety everyday, so please don’t feel that you are alone. We are all in this together.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that meditation can be a very effective and powerful complement to therapy, but it cannot replace it. If you are struggling, please reach out to a professional therapist.


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